About They Are Us Foundation

We Help parents Be
Stronger For Their Kids

How we started

The idea to create the They Are Us Foundation came out of our experience of caring for our child who was diagnosed with cancer. In March 2017, our son Camron was diagnosed with Leukaemia and admitted to a hospital immediately, after a week we found out he had a rare form of cancer: Acute Myeloid Leukaemia.

We decided to fight this deadly disease with the help of the medical team at the University Hospital of the West Indies – Department of Child Health (Paediatrics) here in Jamaica led by Dr. Michelle Reece-Mills. We must also mention our paediatrician Dr. Eve Palomino-Lue, whose quick action and diligence aided with an early diagnosis.

We began researching and gathering information on treatment options and clinical trial hospitals. We also reached out to friends and family members for contacts and networks. Through this networking we were able to uncover existing government offices that provided assistance with locating hospitals overseas for treatment.

We were also able to uncover information regarding financial assistance to help with medication and financial assistance to get treatment overseas that is not accessible in Jamaica.

Black woman holding her daughter in her arms

Sharing With Other Parents

We shared the gathered information with other parents at the hospital and they too were able to get assistance. Then it hit us – why not get parents like us together to basically Pay it Forward?

If we all Pay it Forward, share what we know, reach out to our network and ultimately put the spotlight on awareness we can aide our children in their fight.

During Camron’s hospitalization, we met parents going through similar experiences, and bonds were formed, although informal, as we provided support to each other. In the truest sense, we were a community and our commonality was the fight and the struggle as we navigated in and out of the hospital.

In the truest sense, we were a community and our commonality was the fight and the struggle as we navigated in and out of the hospital.

Group shot of people looking down at camera

Building Our Community

Dealing with a child’s illness is stressful on any parent or guardian, however, coupling this with morality of a child can be unbearable and unfair.

Children are dependents, they need us to provide safety and security but cancer unjustly takes away a parent’s ability to truly fulfil this basic need.

This makes this community a necessity, therefore the They Are Us Foundation seeks to provide a shelter with like minded people supporting each other.

Group shot of people putting their hands together